When Others Think: ‘You’re a Rock’

When Others Think: ‘You’re a Rock’

Would you refuse to see a doctor if you’d broken your arm?

Would you instead decide to take matters into your own hands, protect your arm, hoping for the best? Of course not, seeing a physician is a no-brainer. We would no more risk having our arm heal improperly – possibly losing  full range of motion – than we would seriously consider such a solution in the first place.

So why is seeing a specialist for your broken heart not a similar no-brainer?

This loss – whether caused by a death, divorce or a life transition anticipated or not – is so ‘up-close-and-personal’ that you’re devastated, or maybe still stunned and disbelieving.  All you know is that you’re not yourself and this is unnerving. Your life, its future, seems shredded and near destroyed by torpedo-like whirlwinds caused by this loss. ‘How am I gonna survive this?’ you ask yourself silently.

Now is not the time to become your own healer, deciding to protect your shattered heart and life by wrapping them in familiar adages like ‘time heals’ or ‘you’re such a Rock, you’ll get thru this!’ Deciding to suck-it-up you stumble into yet another day. Week, months pass. Maybe even years, only to discover that while you did indeed ‘heal,’ you’ve unwittingly healed but without full range of emotion. Now what……Hmm.  [See Grief Counseling].

It’s not too late to reverse this outcome, or better yet, prevent it and instead heal fully and healthily by getting professional help.

Choose to call me, a grief counselor with 30 years of exclusive loss & grief experience with family members who, like you, saw no hopeful tomorrows because today was so barren and joyless.

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